Delete a Workflow on the Host Web from the App Web

below is some sample code to delete a workflow on the host web from your app web. This would be useful in the event you want your App to remove a workflow that you have deployed to the host web.

NOTE: you must include a reference to “/_layouts/15/SP.WorkflowServices.js”

this file can be downloaded here

   1: var deleteWorkflow = function (workflowName) {


   3:     //Using the App Web as the client context

   4:     clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();


   6:     //Get the host web URL from the query string params

   7:     //I have a function getHostWebUrl() - which is not included.

   8:     //

   9:     var hostWebUrl = getHostWebUrl();


  11:     //Using the hostWebContext as an AppContextSite

  12:     hostWebContext = new SP.AppContextSite(clientContext, hostWebUrl);


  14:     //Get the Workflow Services Manager for the Host web, NOTE: you initialize it with the clientContext & the hostWebContext Web)

  15:     var hostWebWorkflowServicesManager = new SP.WorkflowServices.WorkflowServicesManager.newObject(clientContext, hostWebContext.get_web());

  16:     var hostWebWorkflowDeploymentService = hostWebWorkflowServicesManager.getWorkflowDeploymentService();

  17:     var hostWebDefinitionsCollection = hostWebWorkflowDeploymentService.enumerateDefinitions(false);


  19:     //load all the workflow definitions from the host web 

  20:     clientContext.load(hostWebDefinitionsCollection);

  21:     clientContext.executeQueryAsync(function () {


  23:         //get the enumerator for all the workflow definitions

  24:         var workflowDefinitions = hostWebDefinitionsCollection.getEnumerator();

  25:         while (workflowDefinitions.moveNext()) {


  27:             //set the current definition to a variable

  28:             var workflowDefinition = workflowDefinitions.get_current();


  30:             //uncomment to see all the workflows that it finds

  31:             //console.log("Found Workflow : " + workflowDefinition.get_displayName());


  33:             //looking for a match on the name of the workflow

  34:             if (workflowDefinition.get_displayName() === workflowName) {

  35:                 //using the host web workflow deployment service to delete the workflow definition


  37:                 hostWebWorkflowDeploymentService.deleteDefinition(workflowDefinition.get_id());

  38:                 //this comment will just display what workflow WILL BE deleted 

  39:                 console.log("Deleted workflow : " + workflowName + ", " + workflowDefinition.get_id().toString());


  41:                 //if more than one workflow with the same name is found it will delete all of them

  42:                 //the delete will get queued up and executed by the .executeQueryAsync

  43:                 //if you don't want that then you have to break out of the while loop

  44:             }

  45:         }

  46:         //this query will execute the delete action

  47:         clientContext.executeQueryAsync(function () {

  48:             //Successfully deleted   the workflow

  49:         }, function (sender, args) {

  50:             console.log("Unable to delete workflow : " + workflowName);

  51:             console.log("<span style='color:red'>Reason : " + args.get_message() + "</span>");

  52:         });

  53:     }, function (sender, args) {

  54:         console.log("Failed to load workflows");

  55:         console.log("<span style='color:red'>Reason : " + args.get_message() + "</span>");

  56:     });

  57: };

Provision a Workflow to the Host Web from the App Web

below is some sample code to provision a workflow on the host web from your app web. This sample code is in one block for demo purposes. It makes 4 asynchronous calls to SharePoint to complete successfully.

In the event you’d want to define in your App a workflow that would run on a list in the host web this is the code you would use to deploy (move it from App to Host) and attach it to a list in the host web.

NOTE: you must include a reference to “/_layouts/15/SP.WorkflowServices.js”

this file can be downloaded here

   1: var attachWorkflow = function(workflowName, workflowListName, workflowHistoryListName, workflowTasksListName) {


   3:      //Using the App Web as the client context

   4:      clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();


   6:      //Get the host web URL from the query string params

   7:      //I have a function getHostWebUrl() - which is not included.

   8:      //

   9:      var hostWebUrl = getHostWebUrl();


  11:      //Using the hostWebContext as an AppContextSite

  12:      hostWebContext = new SP.AppContextSite(clientContext, hostWebUrl);


  14:      //Get the Workflow Services Manager for the Host web, NOTE: you initialize it with the clientContext & the hostWebContext Web)

  15:      var hostWebWorkflowServicesManager = new SP.WorkflowServices.WorkflowServicesManager.newObject(clientContext, hostWebContext.get_web());

  16:      var hostWebWorkflowDeploymentService = hostWebWorkflowServicesManager.getWorkflowDeploymentService();

  17:      var hostWebSubscriptionService = hostWebWorkflowServicesManager.getWorkflowSubscriptionService();


  19:      //Get the Workflow Services Manager for the App web 

  20:      var workflowServicesManager = new SP.WorkflowServices.WorkflowServicesManager(clientContext, clientContext.get_web());

  21:      var workflowDeploymentService = workflowServicesManager.getWorkflowDeploymentService();

  22:      var workflowDeploymentServiceDefinitions = workflowDeploymentService.enumerateDefinitions(false);


  24:      //Load all the Workflow Definitions from the App web

  25:      clientContext.load(workflowDeploymentServiceDefinitions);

  26:      clientContext.executeQueryAsync(function () {


  28:          //Get the enumerator for all the workflow definitions in the App web

  29:          var workflowDefinitions = workflowDeploymentServiceDefinitions.getEnumerator();

  30:          while (workflowDefinitions.moveNext()) {


  32:              //set the current definition to a variable

  33:              var workflowDefinition = workflowDefinitions.get_current();

  34:              //test, trying to locate your workflow in the App web

  35:              if (workflowDefinition.get_displayName() === workflowName) {


  37:                  //now grab the xaml definition of the selected workflow

  38:                  var workflowXaml = workflowDefinition.get_xaml();


  40:                  //define a new workflow and assign it xaml & name

  41:                  var newWorkflow = new SP.WorkflowServices.WorkflowDefinition.newObject(clientContext, hostWebContext.get_web());

  42:                  newWorkflow.set_xaml(workflowXaml);

  43:                  newWorkflow.set_displayName(workflowName);


  45:                  //using the host webs Workflow Deployment Service, save the workflow.

  46:                  hostWebWorkflowDeploymentService.saveDefinition(newWorkflow);


  48:                  //load the new workflow and initialize the Id

  49:                  clientContext.load(newWorkflow, "Id");

  50:                  //this query will save your workflow to the host web

  51:                  clientContext.executeQueryAsync(function() {


  53:                      //publish the workflow on the host web

  54:                      hostWebWorkflowDeploymentService.publishDefinition(newWorkflow.get_id());


  56:                      //getting all the lists that the workflow will attach to

  57:                      //these lists already created on the host web

  58:                      var targetList = hostWebContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(workflowListName);

  59:                      var historyList = hostWebContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(workflowHistoryListName);

  60:                      var tasksList = hostWebContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(workflowTasksListName);


  62:                      //loading the lists & initialize the Id

  63:                      clientContext.load(targetList, "Id");

  64:                      clientContext.load(historyList, "Id");

  65:                      clientContext.load(tasksList, "Id");


  67:                      //this query will publish the workflow and get the required list id's for the next step

  68:                      clientContext.executeQueryAsync(function() {


  70:                              //creating a new workflow subscription

  71:                              var subscription = new SP.WorkflowServices.WorkflowSubscription(clientContext, hostWebContext.get_web());


  73:                              //setting some properties of the subscription

  74:                              subscription.set_name(workflowName + "-ItemAdded");

  75:                              subscription.set_enabled(true);

  76:                              subscription.set_definitionId(newWorkflow.get_id().toString());

  77:                              subscription.set_eventSourceId(targetList.get_id());

  78:                              subscription.set_eventTypes(["ItemAdded"]);


  80:                              subscription.setProperty("TaskListId", tasksList.get_id().toString());

  81:                              subscription.setProperty("HistoryListId", historyList.get_id().toString());

  82:                              subscription.setProperty("FormData", "");


  84:                              //attaching the subscription to the target list 

  85:                              hostWebSubscriptionService.publishSubscriptionForList(subscription, targetList.get_id());


  87:                              //this query will execute the creation of the new subscription and adding attaching the subscription to the target list on the host web

  88:                              clientContext.executeQueryAsync(function() {

  89:                                  console.log("Workflow : \"" + workflowName + "\" successfully added to list : \"" + workflowListName + "\"");

  90:                              }, function(sender, args) {

  91:                                  console.log("Workflow : " + workflowName + " not successfully added to list : " + workflowListName);

  92:                                  console.log("<span style='color:red'>Reason : " + args.get_message() + "</span>");

  93:                              });

  94:                          },

  95:                          function(sender, args) {

  96:                              console.log("Failed to get workflow list IDs");

  97:                              console.log("<span style='color:red'>Reason : " + args.get_message() + "</span>");

  98:                          });


 100:                  }, function(sender, args) {

 101:                      console.log("Failed to create the workflow definition");

 102:                      console.log("<span style='color:red'>Reason : " + args.get_message() + "</span>");

 103:                  });

 104:              }

 105:          }

 106:      }, function (sender, args) {

 107:          console.log("Could not find workflow : " + workflowName);

 108:          console.log("<span style='color:red'>Reason : " + args.get_message() + "</span>");

 109:      });

 110:  };